The season for giving thanks is upon us. I try to be thankful everyday, but when a special day is set aside for thankfulness it makes it even more in my thoughts.
This Thanksgiving I will be cooking. Dinner will be at my house. The whole family, well, most of the family will be there. It will be noisy, crowded, and wonderful! I will think of my brother Bob and his family in Idaho, and my sister Lenora and her family who are also in Idaho. My little brother, Ken is around the state somewhere, and I will miss them all. I will also think of my mom and dad who for so many years made Thanksgiving a memorable holiday for me. This year our new little grandson, Julian will be here. He was just a day old at Thanksgiving last year. This year he will get to sample some of the goodies from the table. Kristen will be absent. I'm still trying to reconcile myself to the fact that this new boyfriend must be a serious matter for her to be invited to his parents house for Thanksgiving dinner! But she'll drop by with Josh for desert later.
Other than the well loved family mentioned above, I am most thankful for my good health (except for my arthritic toe of course), a warm bed at night, and someone (Tom) to cuddle with when my feet are cold. The Lord has been good to me and mine and I pray he has been to you and yours also. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!