Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat and so am I! I've been munching on green and red M&Ms all afternoon! I can't seem to sit still and I keep turning the radio up during I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. The Christmas Spirit is upon me and it is making me long for malls, Christmas wrap, ribbons and eggnog lattes. I've watched four Christmas specials in the last two evenings and every Christmas movie that hits the basic cable channels (that's why we only have basic cable, I'd be in front of the TV 24/7!). I have ignored my Homiletics homework, laundry and cooking dinner to write Christmas Newsletters, knit mittens and go to choir practice. My family keeps looking at me like I'm someone else. What's the deal?
I'm usually the commonsense person at our house when it comes to the Holidays. However, this year I'm thinking that I may as well make the most of the season, after all, I'm turning the five-oh this year and how many more Christmases can there be ahead of me? Thirty tops! That means I don't have any mistletoe to waste! I have a feeling my husband will pull me in when we set out on the shopping trip next week. Little does he know I've already hit the Internet and a couple of stores at the mall. That'll be our little secret!

This is a picture of my brother, Bob, at about 4. I love this picture. He looks so sweet and innocent. He lost that look at about 6! Just kidding, he's really a great guy. That look of concentration as he listens to the rattle of that package reminds me that the anticipation of Christmas is sometimes the best part. My mother used to tell us kids, "Christmas is a season, not a day." I'm feeling the truth of that statement this year. Therefore I will go to choir practice tonight to sing about baby Jesus, eat red and green M&Ms, hit every potluck party I'm invited too and probably spend more than we can afford. I will leave the tree up until New Year's Day and watch Christmas movies until the kids complain!!! Have a Merry Christmas Season!