Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial weekend is always a nice break. I usually plant my flowerbeds and spend some time remembering. After all, isn't that what Memorial Day is all about? I'll probably make a trip to the cemetery with my sisters and leave flowers for mom and dad. We always leave one for Joo Bong Lee since no one leaves him flowers. That tradition was actually started by my brother David, who has since died. I try to make sure that my friend Harriet, also has flowers on her grave. It's too sad for someone who gave so much to others to not have flowers once in awhile.

Tom and TJ are out working in the yard right now. The skies are clouding up and they are trying to beat the rain. They are working well together, which isn't always the case with fathers and sons, and I am thankful. This is the result of TJ becoming more manly in both body and attitude. As we were driving the other day he shared a revelation with me. "Mom," he said, I have just realized that I have grown stronger than dad. I'm no longer the little boy and he, the super hero. Now I will become his hero." By hero, I understood TJ to mean the holder and fulfiller of his father's hopes and dreams. Of course tears immediately rushed to my eyes and a huge lump came to my throat. What we as parents leave undone, or unfinished quite often falls to our children. If we have been faithful and God has blessed us, the burden they pick up for us will be godly and at times joyous. I pray this is so for my strong son.

The culmination of Memorial weekend will be a barbecue with my family. I wish my extended family were closer so we could break a hot dog bun together, but I will think of them and maybe even give them a call so we can remember together.



Thoughts On...