Yesterday I opted for some "free time." I played a couple of games on my computer (Scrabble is addicting and I don't think I'm getting any better at it), spent some time arguing with TJ, and the dog and the cats. I ignored the dishes, the laundry and even the book I'm currently reading. Today, that "free time" is costing me! I feel pressured to hurry and get stuff done before I can spend time with my little sweetie, Julian. ARGH! I hate it when I do that! Even knowing I have limited time to get all YESTERDAY's stuff done, here I sit, tip-tip-tapping away at my computer. What is it that drives me to laziness?
As I sat and contemplated this in my pajamas this morning, I came to the conclusion that it's my mother's fault. She never explained to me that when she called me a "Prima Donna" she was being sarcastic...I believed her! Thanks Mom!
We began a new Ladies Bible Study last night at church. The topic was my choosing, "The Intentional Woman." Thank goodness my friends Barbara and Marian are teaching. They are VERY together women. Not of the "Prima Donna" ilk at all! During the overview of the study I was so convicted I raced home and did a load of laundry! Carrumba! It's going to be a long summer.
The following is a verse we talked about last night:
With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:11 & 12 (NAS)
It's a good thing we are not saved by our works, I'd be in BAD shape. But our acts (laundry) prompted by our faith (God will give me strength to stay on task) will bring glory to Jesus, and I will reap the glorious results as well. Among them will be guilt free time with my little J. as well as a moment or two to be a "Prima Donna!"