Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back On Track

After skipping my weight loss classes for two months this summer, I discovered upon return that I had gain five pounds! So, back to measuring, counting points, planning ahead, and all those good for me habits that I let lapse while "vacationing". Last night I brought home pizza for dinner. I just had a good weight loss, I was feeling confident, I knew I could eat one piece, a few veggies and a diet drink and stay within my daily allotted points.... WRONG! One bite of that deliciously greasy, cheesy, crusty delicacy sent me down the road of points overload!

Last Saturday at my weight loss class one of the "big losers", who was now skinny and svelte, asked the director, "Now that I am at my goal weight, how do I get rid of the desire to binge eat?" The director ask the class if anyone had a comment for her and 25 women (and one man) ducked behind the person ahead of them. Even the director had no advice for this woman. I immediately thought of the Apostle Paul who wrote: I have discovered this principle of life--that when I want to do what is right (eat veggies), I inevitably do what is wrong (eat half a pizza)... Oh what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin (overeating) and death (fat)?" Paul basically asked the same question as the woman at my weight loss class...Paul must have struggled with pizza too! But the difference is, Paul realized the desire will always be there. The trick is finding a way to overcome the desire, and he did find the answer: Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

If we take the time to read chapters seven and eight of Romans, we find the Solution for more than just our desire to overeat. This principle that Paul teaches us (and first had to learn himself!) will make a difference in how we overcome what we don't want to be and to become what we do want to be.

Well, I'm back on track today. I know I am because I'm starving! I will joyfully eat my five point microwave lunch and be thankful that I didn't even touch the doughnuts sitting by the coffee pot! Thanks be to God...and fellow "over eater", the Apostle Paul.


Anonymous said...

Melanya, Sounds like WW has gone Biblical. Who'd a thought. I'm counting this Blog as my daily devotions and my diet encouragement all in one. I could say I was at my goal too, (but I'd be lying). Love ya Lenora

Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I found myself secretly wishing I was there to help you with that pizza. You know, a good niece who will eat some so you wouldn't have to. I think the second best thing about heaven will be not having to fight with myself any more!


Thoughts On...