Oh, Royal Joy! My youngest daughter was voted Homecoming Queen of her highschool! What a shock for this mom who didn't even dream of attending the Homecoming let alone being queen. Rosie was voted in on the basis of grades, Christian Character and of course popularity. She is also on the Varsity Basketball team which adds to her visibility. She is a well rounded (character wise) young lady and her dad and I are so proud of her. Congrats to you Queenie! Love from who else? The Queen Mother! XXOO
Like my daughter, Pricess Laura says, "I didn't ask for the crown, but if it fits...!!!" Congratualtion Rosie. I see you more as a pricess than a queen. Your Mom gets the title of Grandma Queen! Lenora
Yahooooooooooo! Way to go both of you ( and the queen father too!) Aunt Carol
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