Monday, June 2, 2008

Ho Hum!

Sometimes I sit down to a blank screen, knowing I really need to update my blog, but nothing that would interest you comes to mind. Not that I don't have huge issues going on in my life, they would probably just bore you. I could tell you that I finally got my flowers planted. They sat on my front porch for a week. The pansies almost croaked before they were planted, but they seem to be rebounding well (okay, that was very boring). My grand baby, Julian, came over yesterday. He's sooo adorable! He's eating rice cereal now...what? You say that's not of interest to you either? Tough crowd! Hmmm...

On those days when life seems to be the most usual to the outsider, the insider (that would be me) deals with the uncertainty of the future, the question of loyalties, the doubt of self-worth and a myriad of other issues. These are the things that we seldom share with our most intimate relationships let alone the entire world (okay, I know there are only 5 of you out there that actually read this blog). Life does tend to keep me humble and prayed up. I won't share all the "boring details". I know you also have issues you face everyday that are kept from the view of the world, as they should be. Some things are just to private (or boring) to share.

I propose a deal: You pray for me, I'll pray for you! And surely we'll all survive!

On my honor, I will come up with a really great entry for your reading enjoyment!


Laura said...

Sometimes it's just good to be reminded that we are all dealing with intense everydays. I for one would love to see new pictures of your newest little man!

Anonymous said...

I for two would like to see more pictures of the Prince. I didn't realize that Rosie was graduating. How exciting for her. Lenora


Thoughts On...